About Me

Twelve-year-old "Sasha" is a gifted reader, writer and artist. She's humorous, messy, and did I mention GORGEOUS? She's also diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD.

"Mo" is a darn cuddly and kibbitzy seven-year-old, always ready with a smile or, more likely, a joke and a "Yo dude, how's it goin'?!" Mo has central auditory processing difficulties and, like his sister, distraction & focus issues. And while I'm confessing, both kids have difficulty sitting for more than five seconds.

Sasha and Mo are keeping their parents, "Ozzie" and "Not Harriet" (also known as Special Mom) mighty sleep-deprived. But in that state, I tend to get philosophical about the intricacies of this, our Special Life.